How To Control My Husband - Wazifa to Control Husband Mind


Qurani Wazifa To Control My Husband:

Marriage is a beautiful bond and a bond that is made by many promises you always have to be respectful towards the person you love otherwise it will affect in your marriage life.

A woman in marriage is always the one who sacrifices everything for the cost of love but what if the person you are believing to love you back trn the back on you and vows of marriage just shattered in Pisces like a glass with lots of lies.

Wazifa to Control Husband Mind can help you with that believe in Allah he never disappoints the person who has good intention and wife has always an advantage because they are the one who sacrifices everything for save the marriage so keep calm all you have to do is perform Dua For controlling husband and soon you will get the result front of you.

·    First of all make a wuzu and read Durood Shareef for 9 times.

·    After that read surah fatir 6 times.

·    After that read Yaa Kaa Inaan Qaablaa Kulli Shay In Waa Ya Mukaawwinaa Kulli Shay In Waa Yaa Baaqiyaa Baa'da Kulli Shay In Salli Alaa Muhammadin Waa Aali Baytihi Waaf Al'bee. 49 times.

·    After that Recite Durood Shareef 9 times.

·    Then blow on your husband while blowing think of him.

·    Pray to Allah (Swt) about the success of your amal.

·    Insha Allah, very soon you will able to see wazifa to get husband under control working towards you.

·    Perform this wazifa for 10 day without a gap.

And If you want to more guidance to perform this dua then you should consult our specialist molvi ji he will guide you to how to perform dua and wazifa.

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