
How To Control My Husband - Wazifa to Control Husband Mind

  Qurani Wazifa To Control My Husband: Marriage is a beautiful bond and a bond that is made by many promises you always have to be respectful towards the person you love otherwise it will affect in your marriage life. A woman in marriage is always the one who sacrifices everything for the cost of love but what if the person you are believing to love you back trn the back on you and vows of marriage just shattered in Pisces like a glass with lots of lies. Wazifa to Control Husband Mind can help you with that believe in Allah he never disappoints the person who has good intention and wife has always an advantage because they are the one who sacrifices everything for save the marriage so keep calm all you have to do is perform Dua For controlling husband and soon you will get the result front of you. ·     First of all make a wuzu and read Durood Shareef for 9 times. ·     After that read surah fatir 6 times. ·     After that read Yaa Kaa Inaan Qaablaa Kulli Shay In Waa Ya Muk

How to convince someone you love: how to get lost love back

 How to get lost love back Love is painful and losing someone you love is the most painful thing ever its seems like end of the world but theirs nothing you can do about it you feel trapped inside and this mental pain is more painful than physical pain so what we can do about it you always think why it is happing to you why as this beautiful feeling given by Allah has so many conflicts why we can be with someone we love.   Did you feeling the same way didyou lost the person you love ? do you want to get the person you love? Well, all my Allah never forget his believers he will never leave your side just believe in Allah, everything gonna be alright you just need to sit back and relax Allah will do it for you, he has an answer to the question of yours. In the world there is nothing Powerful other than Allah believe in him he has an answer for everything.   So How To Get Lost Love To Come Back To Your Life: you need Strong Qurani IslamicWazifa For Lost Love To Come Back th

Dua For Parents Long Life – Dua For Sick Parents or Mother

Parent and child relationship is very beautiful relation in this world. Every parent does lots of things for their child happiness. All children want to see their parents healthy and happy. If you love your parents very much and don't want to lose them then you should try dua for parents long life . This dua has power and purity that directly connected with the god. Doing this dua your parents live long time and your parent’s health increase day by day. Many times your parents get sick and no treatment works. They get such a disease in which no medicine affects them. In such circumstances you don’t understand what to do. Only you want the long life of your parents so that they can enjoy a happy life with you. You don't worry and you should consult our Islamic astrologer Wazir Ali Khan Ji who is expert in duas and wazifa. He gives you dua for sick parents or mother . By praying this dua you keep your parents away from any kind of disease. This dua for sick parents or moth

Get Powerful Dua For Bringing Love Back

Do you love someone and want to Bringing lost love back? Do you want your lover comes somehow come back to you? Do you still see their flash when you visit familiar places and miss your memories? If this is so, and you want your lost love to come back to you then you can consult our Islamic astrologer Wazir Ali khan Ji who is expert in duas and waifa. He gives you get powerful dua for bringing love back in your life. This dua is helped to bring your lover back to you. Do you miss your lover and want him to come back to you? Do you want your ex to be in relationship with you again? If you miss your boyfriend/ girlfriend and cannot think of living this life without them, then perform get powerful dua for bringing love back .  This dua is very powerful and effective to lost love to come back in your life. If your husband has entered in a relationship with other woman and he has left you because of another relationship and he is not ready to come back to your life, then do not pan

Surah To Get Husband Back - Wazifa To Get Husband Love Back

Marriage may be a sacred bond wherever 2 people attempt to practice each part of life along. Wedding changes the lifetimes of a lady fully. She leaves her parental house to start out a brand new life along with her husband. But due to some reasons are you facing critical situation in your life. And you include among those wives’ whose husbands don’t hear you and not care you. Are you feeling that your husband ne’er cares to pay some time with you? You don't worry you can consult our expert astrologer Wazir Ali Khan Ji who is expert in dua's and wazifa. He gives you surah to get husband back . Using this dua you see that your husband is come to you and he gives you lots of love. If you are recently married and you wish to be the most important person in the life of your husband, and want to prove themselves very good in husband's eyes then you must practice the wazifa for husband love. Sometimes husbands get involved in their work life or with friends or even with s

Dua To Remove Fear From Heart – Dua For Help in Difficulty

Often we face such situations when we feel fear and anxiety from inside. It might be because of several reasons like fear of someone who can hurt us or fear of facing some situations like giving speech in front of a large audience is something to which many people fear and anxiety have. If you are among such person who have certain fear and anxiety from someone or something, you don’t need to worry then as there are ways in form of Islamic duas and wazifa prayers to heal your anxiety and fear issues.  You just need to consult with our Islamic expert Molvi Wazir Ali Khan Ji and get ask him about giving dua to remove fear from your heart so that you can live your life freely and can enjoy every moment of life. Dua To remove fear and anxiety from your heart can be found easily over internet but they won’t work until you will knew the procedure to perform these duas. If you are facing several issues in your life about work, job or business then you can try dua to remove difficulty or f

Dua for Marriage Proposal Acceptance in Islam in Urdu

Dua for Marriage Proposal; Sometimes due to some reasons our marriage gets delayed and we listen everybody giving us advice about getting married early.  At that time such advices are not admirable by anybody who is not getting married early. If you are such a person who is not getting married proposals then you don’t need to worry anymore as you can find solution to this through holy Islamic ways like dua and wazifa. Yes! It’s true that there are various wazifa prayers and duas for marriage proposals acceptance in Islam.  This dua for marriage proposal in Islam is equally beneficial for you if you are worried about marriage relation of your daughter or son. We all have some love inclination towards someone who we want to make ours for the rest of our life but not everybody is lucky enough to do so. So what if you love someone and want to marry that person? In such case you would expect marriage proposal acceptance from that person who you like most. In case you have fear, will